Oracle Film Series: A New Product + The Cabin in the Woods
Harun Farocki, A New Product
Harun Farocki’s documentary, A New Product, observes the collusion between psychological abeyance and office design, through the lens of a business consultation firm. “Words are not just tools, they have become an object of speculation.” (HD video, 34mins., 2012)
Drew Goddard, The Cabin in the Woods
On the surface, The Cabin in the Woods orchestrates the rote dispatch of five dumb teenagers at its namesake site, like any old horror film would. But the office politics that bubble up to the surface start to smack of a much deeper, postmodern sacrifice. Producer Joss Whedon unleashes his signature glee for genre jamming and fanboy worldmaking, culminating in a balletic third act, that’s Hellraiser by way of Jurassic Park. (35mm on digital video, 105mins., 2011)
About Oracle Film Series
The film compendium to The Broad’s latest collection installation, Oracle Film Series, considers the individual in systems of global commerce, colonialism and digital networks. What becomes of traditions, religions, our oracles in the hyperreal inertia of our present day? The films assembled here celebrate the tenacity of the body and its ability to locate moments of sublimity in the face of global capitalism. From features shot in France, Japan, Djibouti, Thailand and the US, paired with short artist videos that render their message via lip-sync, video games, camp performance or productivity consultations, Oracle Film Series assembles masterworks in world cinema that shimmer with subversive glory, unleashing the self into jungles of digital or metaphysical design.
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